Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Like a surgeon.....whooooo

Moderator: Dawger would you like to go next......

DD: Sure, Hi my name is Devildawger and I was a Tebow- hater
Group (in unison): Hi Devildawger
DD: I never really thought about what my level of Tebow hate was and how it was affecting my life.....but now I just need to come out with it and admit it.
Moderator: go on
DD: well, I guess it hit me Saturday afternoon while I was watching the Florida spring game. Chris Fowler told an amazing story he learned about Tim Tebow while he was having dinner with him the night before. Tim had performed surgery with a scalpel after two days of training while he was on spring break in the Phillipines. Which reminds me of the time I decided to slip my scalpel into my girlfriends hand while we were on spring break and she said, " No thanks, I dont smoke".
Group: (crickets chirp)
Moderator: Please go on and try to be serious
DD: Anywhoo, I was getting all indignant on why Tebow thought he could be a surgeon after two days, when he hadnt had the medical schooling or residency even. I was about to contact the AMA on what the heck was going on but ESPN had more Tebow coverage I couldnt miss. They interviewed his parents and I couldnt help but chuckle when his mom calls him Timmy. Then Erin Andrews interviewed him. Corso, Fowler and Herbstreit all talked ad nauseum about Tebow this and that. He has a 102 temperature....yadda yadda yadda. It finally hit me. I dont hate Timmy. I hate the media. They had blown him up into this easy to hate folk hero. Tim is probably a decent guy if I got to know him. However, I couldnt get past the Florida Gator demagogue who pranced about after every 2 yrd score like he had done it all himself tugging on his jersey for all to see... it wasnt Tim who droned on and on about his exquisite jump pass wasnt Tim who called himself Superman and it wasnt Tims fault that his parents homeschooled him and called him "Timmy". Sorry Tim, you are a fine short yardage QB but I still want to see how you perform surgery in the 4th quarter with an orphans life on the line before I will give you full credit.


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