Thursday, April 17, 2008

Offtopic....China and the Olympics

Ok...lets say you live on a street....lets call it league of nations have a cross section of different nationalities. Across the street are the Ricechex, er...Rizchecks, whatever (thankyou Molly Ringwold); next door are the Smiths and the Gonzales family(I was going to make a joke about the kids sneaking over the border but thought better of it - lets keep this on track). Down the street is the Hung family (wait for it...its coming later....thats what she said....stop). The Hungs are a friendly family but you just cant put your finger on it. You shop in their import store for their cheap prices but not sure that the quality of goods are that good (but what the hey, its cheap and the quality is almost good). Plus, they buy a lot of stuff at your family business. Therefore, when they invite your kids over to their birthday party along with the rest of the street its an invitation you feel obligated to accept. Why not, your kids have gone to every other birthday party of the kids on the street. The problem is that you dont like the way they treat their kids and have on good authority they arent very good parents. However, you still shop at their store and never say anything when they shop at your store. SO.....when you find out the local paper is going to take photographs and put them in the paper of the birthday party. Well, you dont like the fact that the party will be publicized. What do you do? You told them months ago that you were going to attend and looking forward to it. Some of the other parents are looking at you and hoping that you will not attend. However, you still plan on doing business with them and hope that they will keep your store in business.

My point is that this whole boycott thing is silly at this juncture. All of a sudden a bunch of people are reacting to the Olympics being in China like it just happened. Folks, the Chinese were awarded these games years ago - why the outrage just a few months before the opening ceremonies. I was almost in college the last Olympics we boycotted and have known a number of people around my age that missed out on the Olympic experience due to that boycott. Everytime I think of the number of kids my age who never got to get their face on a Wheaties box , appear at Disneyland or do a cameo on the Love Boat or a saturday morning cartoon I get upset. Sorry Jimmy but it was the wrong decision then and it would be the wrong decision now - the Olympics are about athletics and advertising not politics.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Like a surgeon.....whooooo

Moderator: Dawger would you like to go next......

DD: Sure, Hi my name is Devildawger and I was a Tebow- hater
Group (in unison): Hi Devildawger
DD: I never really thought about what my level of Tebow hate was and how it was affecting my life.....but now I just need to come out with it and admit it.
Moderator: go on
DD: well, I guess it hit me Saturday afternoon while I was watching the Florida spring game. Chris Fowler told an amazing story he learned about Tim Tebow while he was having dinner with him the night before. Tim had performed surgery with a scalpel after two days of training while he was on spring break in the Phillipines. Which reminds me of the time I decided to slip my scalpel into my girlfriends hand while we were on spring break and she said, " No thanks, I dont smoke".
Group: (crickets chirp)
Moderator: Please go on and try to be serious
DD: Anywhoo, I was getting all indignant on why Tebow thought he could be a surgeon after two days, when he hadnt had the medical schooling or residency even. I was about to contact the AMA on what the heck was going on but ESPN had more Tebow coverage I couldnt miss. They interviewed his parents and I couldnt help but chuckle when his mom calls him Timmy. Then Erin Andrews interviewed him. Corso, Fowler and Herbstreit all talked ad nauseum about Tebow this and that. He has a 102 temperature....yadda yadda yadda. It finally hit me. I dont hate Timmy. I hate the media. They had blown him up into this easy to hate folk hero. Tim is probably a decent guy if I got to know him. However, I couldnt get past the Florida Gator demagogue who pranced about after every 2 yrd score like he had done it all himself tugging on his jersey for all to see... it wasnt Tim who droned on and on about his exquisite jump pass wasnt Tim who called himself Superman and it wasnt Tims fault that his parents homeschooled him and called him "Timmy". Sorry Tim, you are a fine short yardage QB but I still want to see how you perform surgery in the 4th quarter with an orphans life on the line before I will give you full credit.